Saturday, June 11, 2022

My Little Angel

 I have a Guardian Angel that watches over me and I feel so blessed to have one!  God truly has given each one of us one, at least that is what I was taught from an early age and I have been helped in so many ways that I can hardly deny or not believe this!  

At this time in my life, I need so many prayers and helps to keep my head up somewhat and myself more at peace.  I also believe that not only is the Lord watching over me anyway He might choose to, but I believe that he has allowed our little David to watch over and help me, most likely my parents praying for me and maybe helping me, but since Danny passed on to life eternal, I feel quite strongly that he is truly spending time helping me, rooting for me, and praying for me.  I am so grateful and with this help, I was able to do so much concerning all of the "business"  things of which there were many because I could simply hear him say in my heart, "Its going  to be okay, its going to work out...take it one thing or day at a time. Pay attention closely to who is telling you what you need to do and try to take care of it as soon as you are able and keep calm."  Also, I was reminded of him saying, "The Knights (of Columbus) will take care of you and they have! Amazing men and amazing other many friends.  If it weren't for my wonderful husband, I simply do not think that things would have gone so smoothly.  I am glad I asked Danny to put things in as good of an order as he could and explain to me step by step, which he did a couple of years ago.

Going back to my angel here, she was given to me by a dear old who was with me during the time we had Baby David and she stayed by our side during his life and afterward with her heart and when Danny passed, she was there for me again and this little angel was a gift to help me in some way to remember that I do have a wonderful Guardian Angel always by my side.  I love Beth. She and Danny had the same birthday..I met her and reached out to her as one of the first people that I had befriended on my own as an adult and I wanted to be a good friend because I felt she really needed a good woman friend.  What happened, is she has been that good friend to me by humbly always being still there and we have not actually been a part of day to day life, but in times of need, Beth appears somehow STILL.  I will treasure this little angel that lights up in the dark from the sun rays soaked in during the day...the light that God made lights even this little angel.

Thank you Lord, Jesus, for my Guardian Angel and this beautiful friend, named Beth.  Thank You for allowing Danny and David and any of my family or friends in Heaven and here on earth that have been prayer angels, supportive angels. Please bless them well.  Amen

1 comment:

  1. Awwww.... Thank you Suzie. We may be separated by space, but not by time. I've always loved you two. We will always have our connections. Hope all is well. Love Aways
